
Pumphouse Project Underway.

Last week was a busy week for the maintenance department.  The turf is beginning to green up and most areas are growing quite well.  Overall, the course weathered the winter in fine fashion, with only few small areas on the fairways showing ice damage.  The tarp that was installed on number 11 green has created an environment for the turf to recover from the snow mould and it's looking much healthier.  As of today all of the greens have been cut twice and most of the fairways have also been cut twice.  The fairways could have definitely used another cut, but the amount of rain has made the ground to wet to drive machines on.  Unfortunately the forecast does not look promising for the next week, as rain is projected from Tuesday until Sunday.  The staff has been very busy organizing all of the sundry equipment in preparation for the opening of the golf course.  Some of the other projects include bunker repair and preparation, picking up debris (sticks and pine cones, etc) so as to not damage the mowing equipment, garden clean up, irrigation repair and of course, mowing. 
The grass clippings from the first mow on twelve green.

The other thing keeping the crew busy is the Pump house Project.  The first step in the project was to locate and expose our existing  six inch pipe that runs adjacent to the cart path on 11 up past the green.  This is where the new line from Grand Lake will tie into the system.  
The location has to be dug by hand so as to not damage the wires and pipe.


Prepped for replacement
 The next step was to install the new tee and valve system.  When operational this will allow for the golf course to zoned off for repairs and inspections.  The tee looks quite large, but it has to strong enough to handle a ten inch circumference of water at a 120 pounds per square inch.
The new tee.

In position...

and bolted in place.
The next step is begin installing the new pipe that runs down to the where the new pump house will be located.

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