
April Shower bring May ... Showers (sigh)

This trench containing this pipe is five feet deep.

                                             May 2010  48mm     May 2011 70mm (to date)
                                             April 2010 70mm     April 2011 124mm
                                             Total:         118mm                    194mm

As you can see from the figures above this year is turning out to be much wetter than the last. The wet weather is wreaking havoc with our schedules and no doubt ruining many of your golf plans. The soil is saturated,  the drains are at capacity and the sod is lifting from the soil.  Most of the exterior projects have come to a stand still, including our pump house project.   You can see from the above picture that any kind of ground work is greatly complicated by the amount of rain we have had.   Today we attempted to mow the tees and approaches but had to stop after nine holes due to rain.  Most of the staff has been sent home and if the weather allows, will be required to work longer hours on Thursday, Friday and the weekend to catch up on mowing.  On a positive note the wet weather is allowing to catch up on some interior projects, like painting our flag pole.

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