
End of winter?

Is this the end of winter?  Although on Thursday last week, the temperatures soared to a record setting 13 degrees Celsius, and all of the snow has melted, I think we still have some time to go.  This winter has been a strange one, very little snow and temperatures well above the norms. I’ve put together some data from the weather office to indicate how this year compared to 2009 (our worst year), the yearly average, and this winter. 
Pardon the poor quality of the image, I had trouble getting it here from Excel.
You can see from the chart that this year is definitely warmer then the yearly average.   The golf course appears, at this point, to be in good shape regardless of the lack of snow.  There is very little ice or wind damage, and very little snow mould in the unprotected areas.  While there is still a good possibility the weather could turn cold and damage the turf through the freeze-thaw process, things look good so far.
For the first time in two years the maintenance department will not have a major project on the go for the spring.   Because of this we will be able to turn our full attention to maintaining the course and prepping for the 50th anniversary year.  While the majority of the events for the 50th will take place in and around the club house, we plan to add some small surprises on the golf course as well (budget / sponsorship permitting).
There will be some changes to our maintenance program which we hope will positively affect your time at Oakfield.  The SPI produced a number of issues and areas that the members would like to see us concentrate on.  For example, we plan to increase the time and effort that we put into maintaining bunkers, expanding our already comprehensive program.   
Another issue sited in the SPI was the necessity to improve the quality of the turf on driving range, which coupled with the increased use allotted by the Membership Privilege Assessment, requires us to undertake a more intensive maintenance program.   We plan to implement this during the Tuesday morning Maintenance period to limit the confliction with the use of the facilities. 
Also from the SPI, members requested more access to the golf course.  On a trial basis, Members will be allowed to tee off on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday, between 5:30 am and 5:52 am.  This will begin on June 12 and end on July 26 (due to sunrise changes). While we will be educating our staff in how to work around these groups, and adjusting our schedule accordingly, we ask that Members partaking of this give the right of way to the maintenance department.  Please make sure that the employees have your attention prior to making your shot, so as avoid any injuries.
There are other minor changes brought forth from the SPI slated to be added to our Maintenance program, and we hope that you enjoy our efforts to meet those requests. 

Here are some picture that Hugh took on March the eighth, showing the conditions as of yet. 

Number Four green from the fairway.  By the time we had gotten back to the shop to post these pictures most all of the ice and snow had melted.

Number Seven fairway looking at the green.  Not much in the way of damage visible.   
Lots of damage to the traps this winter.  Typical of a mild winter with lots of rain.

The sandtrap edge at the back of 13 green.  This is typical of the damage from the heavy rains in the fall and throughout the winter.  The liner will have to be pulled back and re-installed or replaced depending on the severity of the damage.

13 green. That's me praying it will be OK for the spring.  Actually, I'm collecting data logger information (and maybe praying a little bit).

Number One green and me collecting the data from the temperature loggers.  All of the snow and ice melted shortly after this picture was taken.

Number 14 from the hill looking at the green.  Again, not much in the way of damage visible.
The washed out trap by Ten green.  Most of the traps look like this. 

Number Ten green looking good.


  1. Adam/Hugh,

    Thanks for the update!! Great job.

  2. It's looking very promising guys; hope the weather cooperates and lets you do what you have to do to get the course opened as early as we can. I look forward to more updates and pictures. All the best!
