
Course Flooding

This morning when I arrived at 6:00 am the rain was beating against the tin roof of the shop so hard that it was difficult to hear the person next to you.  I ran (literally) out to the rain gauge and it showed an accumulation of 58 mm of precipitation from over night.  By 9:30 am an additional 35 mms had fallen.  At that point we took a tour of the course to see the extent of the damages. 
Here's a video of some of the flooding.  The first part is looking back at 6 tee from about mid way up the fairway.  The small black dots in the water... that's a crowd of ducks having a lovely day.  The second part is of five cart path.

This is a picture the bunker on the left side of nine green.  Almost all of the bunkers will look like this by the end of the rain event.

A closer look. 

All of the staff were advised to not come to work this morning as it was obviously to wet to get anything accomplished.  Tomorrow most of the staff will be assigned bunkers detail as it will be to wet to mow most of the course. 
At 1:30 this afternoon our grand total for rain is 103mm.  It's still raining.

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