

The continuing rain over the last four days has unfortunately been so severe that we must once again close the golf course.  From Wednesday night to this morning we have received close to six inches of percipitiation.  We realize that it must be frustrating for members expecting to play, but the course is unplayable due to the unusal amount of rain.  Here are some pictures Hugh and I took on this morning around 7:00 am.
This is number one fairway.

Number five trap.

The cartpath to the right of number five.

Number five cartpath looking back to the tee.

Number six.  There normally in not a pond here.

The left side of number 6 fairway near 7 tee.

The stone bridge on number six.

Number one pond looking back at the tee.
This series of storms comes on the heels of a 100mm of rain on the 15th of September.  Up until that point the golf course had little rain and most of the soil was dry.  Many of the members mentioned how quickly the course dried up and we think it was the lack of rain prior to the storm that allowed this to happen. Unfortunatley, the storm on the 15th "charged" the soil, drainage ditches and lakes with water, and any perciptiation after that would have no where to go. The course will dry if the weather becomes sunny and windy, however expect the ground to be soggy and muddy for longer periods than the week of the 15th. 

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