
Tarps and a Tee

This week we began the Eight tee project.  Rather than explain the whole process with my very poor grammar and punctuation, I will be following the project with daily video updates.  Here is the first in the series.
Click Here to see Anatomy of a tee - Part One, taken Monday of this week.
Click Here to see Anatomy of a tee - Part two, taken Tuesday of this week.

While I have been working on the Eight Tee Project, Hugh and the rest of the crew have been working hard to get the course ready to open.  We have been painting benches, tee blocks, garbage cans, signs, ball washers, yard makers (for the tees), water cooler huts, the entrance sign, and what ever else is in need of paint.  The shop has been converted from winter mode to summer mode and all of the equipment is in place for the up coming season.  We have also taken steps to clean up the accumulation of old parts and metal that have been haunting the old barn for the last 50 years, which we are recycling, freeing up some space for storage.  On the golf course we have spent some time cutting up dead falls from the winter and clearing away debris, putting up goose fencing and general cleanup. 
Hugh and the crew began the process of removing the tarps from the greens today.  17, 13, 5, and 3 were exposed and things look great so far.  Click here to see a video of what 17 looks like.  Stay tuned for more updates! 

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