
A backlog of videos.

Hey folks, sorry about the gap in postings over the last little while.  I haven't had much time to write, however my camera is always with me on the course.  Here are a back log of videos that I had intended on publishing earlier.  We'll start with my morning tour from today, when TS Andrea came to visit.  The video was shot at about 9 this morning, and we were up to 40mms of rain.  Hugh texted me this afternoon and informed me we were at 88 mms in fall river.

Click Here to see "Andreas Wake"

With the plaugue of rain we have had this spring it's been difficult keeping up with the rough on the course.  The number of days available to mow have been drastically reduced both by the actual rain and the aftermath of soggy turf.  When the ground does firm up we are putting extra hours to compensate for the days lost, but during the lost time the turf becomes long and the amount of clippings are staggering, to the point of unplayable.  Here's a video to the Agrimetal blower we use to clean up the clippings.

Click Here to see "Cleaning up"


This last week gave an opportunity to continue with the 8th tee project.  Here are parts five and six of the Anatomy of a tee.

Click Here to see Anatomy of a Tee - Part Five

Click Here to see Anatomy of a Tee - Part Six

Then finally, during the aeration I was driving the top dresser past one of the members and they stopped to ask what that machine does.  I explained the process, but it gave me the idea to strap the camera to the machine and capture the event.  This video follows the me topdressing the sixth green.  I have sped the video up quite a bit as the process took 23 minutes from beginning to end.  Consider the travel time between the sand pile and the different greens on the course.  Number eighteen is a much long green then 13, but thirteen takes almost twice as long to top dress just due to the distance traveled.

Click Here to see "Topdressing at Oakfield"

Hope nobody got sick.

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