
Ice Age - day 63

Well the Ice Age continues at the golf course.
Here are a few links to aid you in your discussions with people about the winter.

The CBC's Kalin Mitchell posted this piece about the dissipation of snow going forward from now.

Oakfield Member and Meteorologist Jim Abraham had this response to our question about the snowfall and melting (in the quote Jim references the following picture of me in front of the back shop on March 31, 2015):

"Great picture! We have now passed 3m (10ft) of snow this winter, most of which has occurred in the last 2 months. Both Feb and Mar are all time snowfall records!

Our challenge now is the 200+mm of water stored in the snow, needs to be released. We usually get 100mm in April: so there will be 300mm of water released onto the course in the next several weeks.

At this point, we can expect the back and forth below and above melting to continue for next couple weeks. This may at least keep the release of water slow enough not to cause too much flooding.

With the snowcover and cold ocean with ice over the Gulf, it will be tough for Mother Nature to bring a warm spell until after the melt.

Yup, I'll take the blame :-)"


And finally a short video of us removing the snow from the two putters.
Click Here.

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