
January Thunder Storm and some Serious Flooding.

Hey folks!
Happy New Year to all!  Today is the Jan 11 and the weather is a balmy 11 degrees outside.  The sun is shining after a terrific storm that rolled through the East Coast last night.  The thunder storm brought with it at least 70 mm of rain and melted the eight to ten inches of snow, which added and additional 20 to 30 mm of water.  With the ground being semi frozen, very little of the water percolated into the soil and created massive amounts of surface runoff.  More then I have ever seen before.  Literally. I shot some video this morning at about 8 am and its now 2 pm, most of the flooding had receded. Fortunately because the ground is some what frozen the erosion was minimal.   Here's a video of the water running through the course.

Click Here to watch the video.

We also have lost a few trees, most notably this large spruce on Number 14.

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